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Pianoforti • Strumenti Musicali



Corda per chitarra acustica

D'Addario BW022 - Singola corda avvolta in bronzo per chitarra acustica, .022

2,80 €

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Corda per chitarra acustica D'ADDARIO Bw022
Corda per chitarra acustica
Corda per chitarra acustica D'ADDARIO Bw022
Corda per chitarra acustica
Corda per chitarra acustica D'ADDARIO Bw022
Corda per chitarra acustica
80/20 Bronze, commonly referred to as brass, is the original acoustic string alloy selected by John D'Addario Sr. and John D'Angelico in the 1930s. 80/20 Bronze strings are popular for recording due to their crisp, deep and projecting tone and appeal to many traditionalists and vintage enthusiasts for their historical significance. All D'Addario acoustic strings are wound on a hexagonally shaped, high carbon steel core, resulting in long lasting, bright sounding tone with excellent intonation.

D'Addario offers a full range of acoustic guitar singles for all your replacement or customization needs.

.022 gauge bronze wound acoustic guitar string
Extra-bright tone mixed with deep and projecting bottom end
Perfect as a replacement string or for creating customized sets
Made in the U.S.A. for the highest quality and performance

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