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Pianoforti • Strumenti Musicali


UFIP Est 1931 crash 18


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PIATTO UFIP Est 1931 crash 18
UFIP Est 1931 crash 18
After a long process of research and experimentation, in close cooperation with our Artist Federico Paulovich, the new “Est.1931 Series” is here, as a tribute to the year of our company’s foundation. “Est.1931” cymbals are dry, smooth, warm with a traditional sound, but updated to perfectly fit new modern music styles. Crashes are dark, warm, smoky, soft, very low pitched, with a soft response and short sustain. Rides are extremely dry, musical, very controllable with an excellent stick definition, but still crashables. Hi Hats feature a warm chick, dry sound, good response and great control

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